Cotton Mill Row

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Cotton Mill Row

SheffieldDiscover More

Cotton Mill Row

SheffieldDiscover More

Cotton Mill Row

SheffieldDiscover More
Kelham Island, Sheffield
86 apartments
Planning Authority
Sheffield City Council
On site 2020

Residential led scheme set to deliver 86 homes and two commercial units into the heart of Kelham Island.

This residential scheme will deliver 86 homes and two large commercial units into the heart of Kelham Island. Occupying a long and narrow site, the footprint utilises most available space within the site boundary and features building lines set to the back edge of the footpaths which is characteristic of the area. The façade of the building is recessed in places providing rhythm and relief along the narrow streets. Parapets and roof levels for sections of the buildings are extruded higher and different bricks utilised to reinforce the separate elements of the building form. Selected elements of the building are given distinctive roof profiles to engage with the history of the area and the existing industrial rooflines.

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© CODA Architecture Albion Works, 82 Countess Road, Sheffield, England, S1 4TE